Friday, December 19, 2008

happy Festive season

Globalnetmarketing wishes all surfers,marketers, friends and robots seeing this page a happy festive season, an dif you not part of the team yet, join us today!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008



December has arrived in a blur, with me moving
and a button spider deciding to poison me.
Luckily I am still alive but fever,pain and a hole where I was bitten
show the stress of survival.

South Africa also feels the recession.
Some of the banks are doing the craziest things like freezing
access bonds and lowering credit limits without warning
as a few of my clients experienced.

This is NOT helping people, who used to keep their credit in good standing and
needed that money.

I once read an article that said: Survive in a time of recession and your
business will bloom after the storm is over.
I can just pass this on to you and say: remain POSITIVE.

Larry Joseph, author of the best selling APOCALYPSE 2012 was interviewed on
CARTE BLANCHE, the flagship of the M-Net channel.
While I feel that the interview was a little short, you might want to get yourself a
copy via Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

We do need to respect earth or we will not have an Earth to live on.

Many companies are not paying bonuses this year.
Are you one of the many that feels that it is time to find another job?

DO you need to move on?
Sync consulting has that extra personal touch and will place you with the right company
in the right position.
Contact Nicole or look at what is available

Syncconsulting is the agency that cares